
Laine Demetria, MS, LMFT

You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.

~Maya Angelou

As a therapist and human being, I am interactive, collaborative, and wear my humanity on my sleeve. I offer equal doses of gentle confrontation and compassion. I keep it real. At times, we laugh at the absurdity and cry at the injustices of life. 

I support individuals to act from their authentic hearts, to speak their truth, and to heal their wounds. I foster a healing space that privileges neither body nor mind. 

In over 25 years of practice as a trauma psychotherapist, I have come to hold two truths as essential to healing: 

  • First, clients need me to witness the full depth, breadth, and intensity of their suffering. 

  • Second, no one is in need of being fixed. Each person is already whole, perfect, and complete—although we don’t always trust this when we are in pain.

Labels and diagnoses can limit the full humanity and breadth of your suffering. Although judgment is a human experience, I work to keep it at bay—both my own and yours. Instead of telling you what’s wrong, I support you in taking ownership of your healing. I help you tune in to your moment-to-moment experience and shift your thinking beyond right/wrong, good/bad, and all/nothing paradigms.