Couple & Family Therapy
It is not our differences that divide us. It is our inability to recognize, accept, and celebrate those differences.
~ Audre Lorde
I offer both preventative and crisis intervention couples work. I support partners in staying connected in the midst of crisis as well as in the midst of celebration. Couples come to me in distress over sex, money, kids, or even who does the laundry. Often they are at a crossroad in a life decision, such as having a baby or moving.
Sometimes, families aren’t in crisis, but need tools to hold the bittersweetness of adoption, empty nesting, or developmental milestones such as graduation.
All too often, couples are in the business of running a household like two ships passing in the night as opposed to nurturing a safe harbor to raise a family and enjoy adult companionship.
I assist couples in moving beyond the binary of right/wrong and good/bad. When we understand our unconscious patterns and strengthen our ability to empathize with one another, we open to connection that was deadened by life’s stressors.
I specialize in working with parents with PTSD or a trauma history which affects their optimal parenting.
I enjoy working with all family structures, whether you are married, unmarried, divorced, poly, queer, transgender, or undefined.